
News, On Stage

Dedication to the Dedicated: Sacramento Ballet’s Love for their Founder

Barbara Crockett, Sacramento Ballet Founder

Feature Image Richard Smith and Kaori Higashiyama, photo by Marissa Gearhart

Sacramento Ballet dedicates their 2022-23 season to Barbara Crockett, their beloved founder.

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Since her recent passing, I have read numerous tributes to Mrs. Crockett from fellow dancer alumni with whom I share countless treasured memories. Many echo the same sentiment that I feel— Mrs. Crockett shaped the ways we have conducted our lives, both inside and outside dance.

A consummate teacher and a shining example of unerring professionalism, her level of commitment to her students was unmatched. As Director, she had a lovely way of imparting importance to every role and inspiring us to do our best: “A Ballet is only as good as its corps [de ballet] . . . Keep those lines straight!” To this day I cannot watch a performance without hearing her voice in my head!

Her enduring influence in my life is hard to put into words, but especially as a mother I recognize how incredibly fortunate I was to have had her as my mentor in my formative years and beyond.

Serving as Board President is full circle for me and I am thrilled to champion an organization I love so deeply, that gave me so much, and was founded by such an extraordinary woman.

A heartfelt thank you for everything, Mrs. Crockett. This season is in honor of you and your beautiful legacy.

With gratitude,

– Alyssa Paoletti
President of theSacramento Ballet Board of Directors

This article was written by Alyssa Paoletti and first published in the Beer & Ballet playbill. It is published here courtesy of Sacramento Ballet.  Click here to learn more or read the entire playbill.


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