
Editorial Policy

At En Face Magazine, our mission is to deliver high-quality, engaging content that resonates with our readers and aligns with our publication’s values and objectives. Our editorial policy guides our team in consistently delivering exceptional content while maintaining the integrity of our magazines.

  1. Impartial Dance Journalism

    We are dedicated to presenting information objectively, relying on facts and accurate research. Our commitment to balanced coverage and diverse perspectives encourages open dialogue and respects differing opinions. We aim to foster fair, unbiased reporting that informs, educates, and inspires our readers.

  2. Autonomy in Ballet Reporting

    We uphold strict editorial independence and the freedom of expression. Our content is driven by our editorial team’s expertise, judgment, and creative vision. We ensure that external influences, advertising partners, or other stakeholders do not compromise the integrity of our editorial content.

  3. Integrity in Dance Writing

    We adhere to the highest ethical standards in journalism and publishing. Plagiarism, fabrication, and the misrepresentation of facts are strictly prohibited. We prioritize accuracy, fact-checking, and thorough research to maintain the credibility of our articles, features, and interviews.

  4. Excellence in Ballet Storytelling

    We are committed to delivering content of the highest quality, with meticulous attention to detail in writing, design, and visual presentation. We strive to captivate and engage our readers through compelling storytelling, thought-provoking articles, and visually appealing layouts.

  5. Fostering Ballet Community Engagement

    We value our readers and encourage their active participation and feedback. We aim to create a community where readers can connect, share their opinions, and contribute to the conversation. We welcome constructive criticism and diverse viewpoints that foster meaningful discussions.

  6. People-Centered Dance Journalism

    While AI enhances our capabilities, we maintain a human-centered approach to journalism. We value the creativity, critical thinking, and empathy that human journalists bring to the profession. AI is one of many tools to support and augment human efforts, allowing us to explore new storytelling formats, analyze data, and engage with our audience more effectively. No content is authored solely by AI.

  7. Safeguarding Reader Privacy

    We prioritize our readers’ privacy and data protection and adhere to relevant laws and regulations. More details can be found in our privacy policy.

  8. Championing Social Good in Ballet

    We recognize our responsibility as a media outlet to contribute positively to society. We strive to shed light on critical social issues, promote inclusivity, and give a voice to marginalized communities. We actively seek opportunities to support charitable causes and initiatives that align with our values.

This editorial policy outlines our commitment to producing content that is informative, engaging, and in line with our readers’ expectations. We continuously review and update our policy to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

Thank you for being a part of our En Face Magazine community. We look forward to delivering exceptional content across our platforms and publications.