
Around the Ballet World, News

Ballet Austin Receives Healthiest Workplace Award From The Mayor’s Health & Fitness Council

Photo by Tony Spielberg.

Ballet Austin was honored to receive the Healthiest Workplace Award this past month. This award comes from the Mayor’s Health & Fitness Council (MHFC) and is designed to distinguish organizations within the city of Austin that are promoting health and well-being within their workplaces. The award is divided into categories based on the size of the organization and the number of total employees. Ballet Austin was the winner of the Healthiest Workplace in the Small Business Category, focused on organizations with 1-250 employees.

As an extension of the Mayor’s Health & Fitness Council Workplace Partner Certification, the Mayor’s Workplace Awards

Awards recognize organizations that implement employee engagement programs designed to support employee health and well-being. Winners are determined based on the total points earned from the MHFC Workplace Partner Certification application and the Mayor’s Healthiest Workplace & Moving the Needle Awards applications.


Ballet Austin is distinguished as a Gold Certified Partner, showing their commitment to their employees to invest in their health and well-being. According to the MHFC’s Certified Partners page, this includes improving worksite health and increasing access to preventive care, which can lead to lower overall healthcare costs, as well as increased productivity and job satisfaction.


Ballet Austin offers a variety of ways for employees to stay active during the workday at the Butler Dance Education Center in downtown Austin. Many offices have standing desks, with the option for employees to add standing desks if desired. Currently, about 90% of the administrative staff have standing desks. Vending machines containing healthy snack and drink options can be found around the Ballet Austin building. Healthy meal choices are offered at full team meetings as well. Staff have access to Be Well resources available through our website, including nutrition, physical activity, stress-relief, and self-care. Additionally, Ballet Austin is a smoke-free campus. Administrative staff have hybrid work options to work from home as needed and to limit their time spent in traffic to and from work. This also allows staff to work around family schedules and balance both their work and personal lives. Employees that want to spend time in the office but do not wish to drive to work can received FREE Capital Metro bus passes to use for the buses to and from work.

Fitness and activity are regularly promoted, as moving the body is encouraged for both mental and physical health. Staff are offered over 60 FREE on-site movement classes. These can be signed up for and taken during the workday, after work, and on weekends. Administrative staff is encouraged to get up from their desks, walk around the building, and walk during the day to get their steps in. Ballet Austin is located only two blocks away from the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail, making it an easy way to get movement in at any time. Ballet Austin has designed walking maps of the downtown area designed to encourage walking from Ballet Austin, and some staff members have even formed walking groups.

As a professional ballet company, many employees are professional dancers that spend their days moving. These dancers have access to on-site physical therapy for injury prevention and recovery, as needed. Dancers also have access to nutritionists to ensure that they are fueling their bodies properly during their demanding performance schedules.

To encourage mental wellness even further, Ballet Austin surrounds their employees by art. Dance is being rehearsed and performed around the building throughout the day. Staff has full access to all of this, allowing them to step away from their desks and view rehearsals. Wellness is enhanced by art and the performing arts, with research showing that the arts can activate reward pathways in the brain, reduce stress, lower anxiety levels, and improve moods. Opportunities for giving are also offered, as is it shown that well-being is enhanced through giving and volunteering. Ballet Austin supports an ongoing food drive for Black Women in Business as well as many community give back programs offered through Ballet Austin.

This article is published here courtesy of Ballet Austin.


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